Marking Scheme - Program Course Requirement Data Setup
Table of Contents
This module revolves around Program Course Requirements, which are the requirements that must be met for Plan Requirements.
Here is a relevant reading material (generic example):
What will be evaluated
No data creation/upsert is required for this task, if your Course Requirements and Plan Requirements have been set up correctly previously.
Since you have already completed the task on Course Requirement Setup, you should already have created some Courses with Course Requirements.
- These are for Courses with dependencies.
You would have also completed the previous task on creating Plan Requirements.
- For the Courses with dependencies, their Plan Requirements will have 'Requirement Logic' that matches the 'Requirement Logic' of the Course Requirements.
Thus, if your data has been set up correctly, you should expect to see these:
- A Program Course Requirement is already automatically created for each Plan Requirement of a Course that has a Course Requirement (dependency).
- The Program Course Requirement is expected to have the same details as the Course Requirement.
**If that is not the case, this means that your Course Requirements and Plan Requirements were set up incorrectly. You will need to manually create/upsert the Program Course Requirements then.