[Functional] C17 - Student Progress
RIO Challenge C17 - Student Progress
Reviewing and monitoring Student Progress is an important part of a University Administrator's role. This may consist of reviewing grades, overall course progress, and progress towards majors and minors (known as disciplines).
Students may be enrolled in several disciplines as part of their program of study. This challenge will show us how the system will handle the credits contribution to the discipline requirement group under different circumstances.
Learning outcomes
- Challenger understands how to review/monitor students' progress.
- Challenger understands how major/minor requirements are created and how they determine the awarding of credit points.
What does success look like?
The Challenger reviews a student's progress towards completing their Program Disciplines and overall program of study.
Reading material
Related challenges
- N/A.
Estimated time to complete
15 minutes.
Steps to complete the challenge
A degree Program in RIO University requires a total of 240 credits for completion.
Follow the steps below to find out how RIO University admin can review/ monitor the student’s progress from the Program Enrollment page.
- Click on the 'RIO Challenge V2' tab at the bottom left of the page. Click on 'Initiate Challenge' to generate the data required for this challenge.
- From the Program Enrollments menu, select the list 'Challenge 17 - Student Progress' and click on the Program Enrollment record for Fred Smith.
- From the Program Completion tab, expand the 'Elective' group to view the Courses and Fred Smith's completion progress.
Only a passed Course will contribute its credits to the group progress.
For example, BUS103 Business Research Methods does not contribute any progress (i.e. Credit Points) to the Elective group, because Fred Smith failed the Course.
- From the 'PE Disciplines' tab, the admin is able to view all the selected disciplines for the student.
This is where we can track a student's progress.
Expand the heading for the "Major in Business Strategy". There are 3 Discipline Requirement groups for this major. Each of the groups have their own credits required for completion.
When a Course in the group is completed with a pass grade, it will contribute its credit to the group progress.
Now that we have understood how to track the students progress, let’s further review the Discipline Requirements.
- Expand the Minor Discipline tab (Minor in Professional Management), then further expand the group 'C17 - BUS Minor Specialisation'.
Examine the Courses in this group with the Courses in another group 'C17 - BUS Major in Business Strategy - Major - Level 101'.
You will see that the enrolled Major and Minor both have the same Course Requirement: Introductory Calculus.
If the 'Introductory Calculus' Course is completed, which will get the credits?
Let’s try to release the grade for the 'Introductory Calculus' Course and see how the credits are being allocated from the Discipline perspective.
- While still on the Program Enrollment, navigate to the Course Connections tab and find the Course Connection record for Introductory Calculus.
Edit that Course Connection record for MAT101 and release the grades.Grade 80 Release Grades TRUE Enrollment Status Completed
The student has now completed MAT101 and earned credits for it. Where will the credits be assigned to?
- Navigate back to the PE Discipline tab.
Hint: If you are on the Course Connection page, click on the Program Enrollment ID.
You will observe the progress as follows.
- RIO Education automatically sets the credit points earned for 'C17 - Introductory Calculus' within 'Major in Business Strategy' to 0, because the required credits were already full-filled for the group before the Course is completed.
- The credit points earned for 'C17 - Introductory Calculus' within 'Minor in Professional Management' is set to 10 instead, because the required credits was not fulfilled for the group yet (at that point in time).
In other words, if a Course is present in multiple PE Disciplines (Major/Minor), the credits from completed Course will be assigned to the PE Discipline that "needs" it the most.
Since the Business Strategy Major has already earned 40 / 40 credits, the credits from Introductory Calculus went to the other Minor instead.
Note: If both PE Disciplines have not met their required credits yet, the credits from the Course will be assigned to both PE Disciplines instead.
- RIO Education automatically sets the credit points earned for 'C17 - Introductory Calculus' within 'Major in Business Strategy' to 0, because the required credits were already full-filled for the group before the Course is completed.
- Congratulations, you have completed the challenge! Click on the 'RIO Challenge V2' tab at the bottom left of the page, and click on 'Complete Challenge'.