You've exceeded the limit of 100 jobs in the flex queue
You encountered the message "You've exceeded the limit of 100 jobs in the flex queue <org id>" when saving a record.
Please check that you do not have more than 100 jobs in the Apex Flex Queue. If you have any long running jobs that utilize all resources, you may want to stop the job and run it during off peak hours.
Please note that this rarely happens unless you have a lot of batch jobs being executed very frequently in your Salesforce org. You can place up to 100 batch jobs in a holding status for future execution which is a hard coded limit and cannot be increased. Please note that queued jobs in the Apex Flex Queue includes all Queueable, Batchable, and Future jobs.
You can place up to 100 batch jobs in a holding status for future execution. When system resources become available, the jobs are taken from the top of the Apex Flex Queue and moved to the batch job queue. Up to five queued or active jobs can be processed simultaneously for each org. When a job is moved out of the Flex Queue for processing, its status changes from Holding to Queued. Queued jobs are executed when the system is ready to process new jobs.
You can reorder jobs in the Apex Flex Queue to prioritize jobs. For example, you can move a batch job up to the first position in the holding queue to be processed first when resources become available. Otherwise, jobs are processed “first-in, first-out”—in the order in which they’re submitted.
To find out more on monitoring the Apex Flex Queue, click here.
You may also read more on methods to reorder batch jobs in the Apex Flex Queue here.