v2.14 - v3.0 Upgrade Steps
Due to changes made in RIO Education v3.0, some existing data may need to be updated.
Delete1. Install the new version of RIO Education
For security reasons, make sure to install for Administrators Only. Our permission sets and sharing rules will handle giving access to other users.
Delete2. Install the new versions of the metadata package
Like usual, you will need to do the upgrade folders for each version between your old version and the new version. Upgrade folders can be found in RIO Education Release Notes under Metadata Package Link.
There may be some layouts that you don't want to update. In that case, you will need to manually add some new fields to your current page layouts.
3. Ensure Program Enrollments and Course Connections aren't owned by students/community users
RIO Education v3.0 includes a trigger to change the owner of these records to internal users, to allow sharing rules to run correctly. For old data, you should update any Program Enrollments and Course Connections owned by community-licensed users to an internal user.
Program Enrollments and Course Connections both have lookups to Contact. The Contact should already be owned by an internal user, so you can likely use this user as your new owner.
Note: The admin will need to update record ownership manually based on the script provided.
4. Update Plan Requirements and PE Groups to track Courses Completed
You will only need to do this if you have Courses worth 0 credit points.
Existing Plan Requirements or PE Groups that need to track courses completed instead of credits earned will need the relevant fields updated, and the credits field cleared.
For any Plan Requirement (Group) that needs to track courses completed instead of credits earned, update these fields:
- Courses Required = [Number of courses required]
- Credits Equivalent per Course = [Credits equivalent per average course]
- Credits = null, or Credits = 0
- (Note you can only set Credits = null if you use the page layout from the metadata package, or manually mark Credits as no longer required on the page layout)
You then will need to do the same for any PE Groups created from these Plan Requirements (Group).
Delete5. Create Appointment Availabilities for facilities
If you are already using the Appointment Scheduler, you could previously book against any location/room. In v3.0, you will need to create new Appointment Availability records for each location/room to make it available for each Appointment Type.
Delete6. Set Faculty User lookup on Faculty Contacts
For any existing Faculty member to use the Appointment Scheduler, they will need the User lookup field populated on the Contact record.
You may be able to match Users to Contacts based on email, but I can't guarantee that will always be correct.