RIO Ed - Attendance Register (Aura)
Table of Contents
RIO Ed - Attendance Register (Aura)
Component Name | RIO Ed - Attendance Register (Aura) |
API Name | rio_ed:attendanceRegister |
Type | Standalone |
Recommended Pages | Attendance in digital experience |
Supported In | The Booking object in Salesforce Internal |
When viewed in the Community portal:
Supported configuration
Attendance Marking Info Additional Field Set Name
(Introduced in v3.9)
The property allows admin to define the API name for a field set from the Attendance object. You can use the default field set "rio_ed__AttendanceMarkingAdditionalFields" or create any custom field set.
When the field set is defined, the extra fields added in the field set will be displayed in the "Edit Attendance Info" popup.
Hide Attendance Marking Info System Field
(Introduced in v3.10)
The configuration "Hide Attendance Marking Info System Field" will hide default fields in the attendance note screen.
Additional fields will remain, if "Attendance Marking Info Additional Field Set Name" is populated. This allows users to customize the fields shown in the attendance note screen.
Show Booking Fields
Introduced a new attribute, so that Booking fields can be displayed for faculty to view (e.g. date and time of classes).
Create a Booking field set which contains your preferred Booking fields, and add them to this attribute:
- Attendance Register Booking Field Set API Name.
Custom component to display profile images from external data source
If you are storing students' profile images on an external data source, you can create a custom component to display them.
You will need to reference that custom component in the new attribute "Custom Picture Component Name" here.
See here for a generic guide.
Developer section
Attribute Name | API Name | Description |
Booking Id | bookingId | Booking Id. |
Session Connection Relational Field Expression | sessionConNameFieldExpr | Session Connection Relational Field Expression. `rio_ed__Contact_Name__c` |
Session Connection Sub text Relational Field Expression List | sessionConSubTextFieldExprList | Session Connection Sub text Relational Field Expression List. `rio_ed__Course_Connection__r.hed__Contact__r.hed__Gender__c`,`rio_ed__Course_Connection__r.hed__Contact__r.Email`,`rio_ed__Course_Connection__r.hed__Contact__r.MobilePhone` |
Attendance Component Title | attendanceTitle | Attendance Component Title. |
Session Attendance text | sessionAttendanceText | Session Attendance text. |
Checkpoints text | checkpointsText | Checkpoints text. |
Total Number of Students text | totalNumberofStudentsText | Total Number of Students text. |
Total Number of Students Present text | totalNumberofPresentStudentsText | Total Number of Students Present text. |
Total Number of Students Absent text | totalNumberofAbsentStudentsText | Total Number of Students Absent text. |
Total Number of Students Late text | totalNumberofLateStudentsText | Total Number of Students Late text. |
Total Unmarked Attendance text | totalNumberofUnmarkedStudentsText | Total Unmarked Attendance text. |
Total Excused students text | totalNumberofExcusedStudentsText | Total Excused students text. |
Add New Checkpoint text | addNewCheckpointText | Add New Checkpoint text. |
Editable | editable | Editable. |
Hide Summary | hideSummary | Hide Summary. |
Valid Session Connection Status | validSessionConnectionStatus | Session connection statuses to be considered. E.g. Current, Completed. |
Profile Picture File Description | profilePicFileDesc | Unique Description to match File's (i.e. Content Version) Description |
Student Tile Action | studentTileAction | Action when user click on the student tile. |
Overview Component Name | overviewCmpName | Lightning Component name to call for when clicking a Student for more details e.g. rio_ed_sched:overviewComponent. Takes contactId and programEnrollmentId as parameters. |
Overview Header | overviewHeader | Header of overviewCmp popup modal. |
Overview Modal Css Class | overviewModalCssClass | Css class for the overviewCmp popup modal e.g. sIds-modal_large. |
Attendance Marking Info Additional Field Set Name | attReg_attendanceMarkingInfoFieldSetName | (v3.9) The field set API name for listing additional attendance fields on edit info screen. |
Hide Attendance Marking Info System Field | hideAttendanceSystemField | (v3.10) Hide attendance system fields from the attendance info edit screen. |
Attendance Register Booking Field Set API Name | attRegisterBookingFieldSet | (v3.14.4) Add a Booking field set containing your preferred Booking fields to be displayed. |
Custom Picture Component Name |
customPictureComponentName |
(v3.14.4) Name of a custom component to use in place of the student profile picture. Requires namespace (e.g. rio_ed:examplePictureCmp). See here for generic details. |