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Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . See also: RIO Ready: Login/Self-Registration Functionality Prerequisite Install the RIO Ready - Login
To quickly setup the admission acceptance document generation functionality, please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be installed. You can install it here . Once you
Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . To quickly setup the refund functionality , please follow the following steps: Step 1: Activating the Fl
This functionality provides the ability to withdraw the Student from selected Course Connections with a step-by-step Wizard interface. The student will submit a case request to withdraw before admin proceeds to withdraw said student from the Course . What's included: Flow: A screen flow to guide the user step by step and withdraw the Student from C
To quickly setup the enrollment verification document functionality, please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. From Setup, click on Object Manager. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be installed. You can
To quickly setup the student invoice document generation functionality, please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. From Setup, click on Object Manager. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be installed. You c
With this functionality, the Community user could request for a transcript to be generated through the Community Site. The functionality's Screen Flow allows a student to select from available Enrollment that is relevant to the student (if there are multiple enrollments) and will then automatically generate a request for S-Docs to produce the transc
Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . We will setup the Withdrawal flow in the Case object. To quickly setup the Withdrawal functionality , pl
Community_Transcript_Package Components for Community Transcript in RIO Ready are as follows:**Obsolete Components to be deleted Name Type Description redu_CDL_UpdateCustomerAccess_TDTM** ApexClass TDTM based trigger to assign the accessibility level necessary for community user to see the file generated. redu_CDL_UpdateCustomerAccess_TEST** ApexCl
Withdrawal_Package Components for the withdrawal functionality . Name Type Description Case.Official_Date_of_Withdrawal__c CustomField Records the date in which the withdrawal from the Course was done. Case.redu _ Related _ Program _ Enrollment__c CustomField Linkage between the Case and the Program Enrollment involved with the Withdrawal. hed__
Info If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . To quickly setup Scholarship , please follow the following steps: Step 1: Activating the Flow Login to Salesf
This functionality contains Custom Screen Flow and Custom Fields which together are intended to help give the ability to display Student Fees owing in the Student Community. For example, in a Community Site for students, we could place the display component so that the students can see if they have an outstanding amount to be paid as they log in. No
The following is a checklist to take note of, before adding items to the list of components for deployment. 1. Check the correct API name. 2. Check the metadata type. To help this process, we can use workbench Metadata Types & Components to check if the component's API name and metadata type is correct: Then select the metadata type, and find th
To quickly setup the transcript generation functionality, please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. From Setup, click on Object Manager. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be installed. You can install i
Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . See also: Form 1098-T Document Generation Functionality Prerequisite Ensure that the Form_1098_T package
Overview Note: RIO Education uses both Payment2US and Stripe in our payment implementation. In our context with RIO Education implementation: Stripe is a payment gateway. Payment2US is a payment processor. This basically means that: Payment2US facilitates the transaction (and functions as the interface that the user will interact with to perform the
Components in Login/Self-Registration come in 2 separate packages and we will list both of their components here: LoginAndRegister_preDeploy_Package Name Type Description REDU_Student_Permission_Group PermissionSetGroup Will be assigned by Login/Self Registration to the newly registered user. REDU_Guest_Login_Permission PermissionSet Will be include
This functionality contains Screen Flow that will allow the User to apply for Scholarship from within the Community Site. Note that as part of the package we only include the Screen Flow. The actual implementation would require the Community Site to be configured with a page where this functionality's Screen Flow can then be placed for the user to a
Salesforce's official MFA FAQ will be our first stop for most questions involving MFA: The following are some additional info or details that may be of use in MFA implementations: When is MFA going to be enforced? F
Warning If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . See also: RIO Ready: Fee Line Functionality To quickly setup the Fee Line , please follow the following
This functionality contains components intended to help bridge the gap between RIO Education payment and Payments2Us allowing the user (such as a Student accessing from the Community Site) to be able to make payment via RIO Education's user interface. Note: In order for this functionality to work, Payments2Us should already be installed beforehand a
To quickly setup the admission rejection document functionality, please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. From Setup, click on Object Manager. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be installed. You can inst
To quickly setup the enrollment verification document functionality (with GPA), please follow the following steps: Step 1: S-Docs Login to Salesforce and go to Setup. From Setup, click on Object Manager. In the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages. Search for S-Docs. If you are unable to find it, it means the S-Docs package is yet to be instal
General Community deployment checklist DEACTIVATE the Community before deployment. (If the Community is active when retrieved for metadata deployment, it will be deployed in ACTIVE state in production too, which can result in emails being sent, so DEACTIVATE the Community before retrieving it for deployment.) Turn off email deliverability before pub
FeeLine_Package Components for Fee Line in RIO Ready are as follows: Name Type Description rio_ed__Fee_Line__c.redu_Product__c CustomField Product lookup for billing purposes. rio_ed__Fee_Line__c.redu_Type__c CustomField rio_ed__Fee_Schedule__c.redu_Product__c CustomField Add_Fee_Lines Flow The main flow that handles the process to add new Fee Line
This functionality allows the user to quickly setup a new Fee Line in Student Fee. What's included: Button (Action): A custom button “Add Fee Line” is available at the Student Fee object. This button will initiate the Screen Flow to offer the user to choose what the Fee Line is about and then generate the Fee Line. To set this up, you can follow th
The pre-made document templates in S-Docs for RIO Ready includes a number of templates for use in cases such as generating Transcript or Invoice. They are only meant as a basic starter template and should be further customized to better fit to the specific customer's need. The following are the templates provided and how to access them: Template Nam
Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . To quickly setup the Community Transcript functionality , please follow the following steps: Prerequisit
Scholarship_Package Components for Scholarship in RIO Ready are as follows: Name Type Description redu_MultiSelectFlowValues_FLOW ApexClass Support method to help handle multiple values parsing in REDU_Scholarship_Application flow. redu_MultiSelectFlowValues_TEST ApexClass Test class for redu_MultiSelectFlowValues_FLOW. Contact.redu_Current_Campus__
Important If you have previously installed this, and have already made your own customizations, do not use the vanilla RIO Ready installer . You will need to deploy your custom components and codes. For this functionality's components, see here . See also: RIO Ready: Accounts Receivable Display Functionality Accounts Receivable Display implementa
Description Is there a custom component for self-registration? Resolution We have developed and used a custom component for self-registration that was used on several of our projects. The main use case of this custom component is to cater for the need for potential new member of the Customer's Community to self register themselves into the community
Refund_Package Components for refund in RIO Ready are as follows: Name Type Description REDU_Refund_Process Flow The main flow that make up the refund process. rio_ed__Student_Fee__c.Generate_Refund QuickAction Quick action that starts REDU_Refund_Processin Student Fee record detail page.
Payment2us_Package Name Type Description redu_PTXN_UpsertPayment_TDTM ApexClass TDTM trigger that upserts RIO Education payment record every time a valid Payment2Us's Payment Transaction is completed. redu_PTXN_UpsertPayment_TEST ApexClass Test class for redu_PTXN_UpsertPayment_TDTM. redu_PaymentConstant_UTIL ApexClass Contains constants used in Pay
This functionality allows the user to generate refund Fee Line against a Student Fee in a simple process. To install this, head here . What's included: Button (Action): A custom button “Generate Refund” is available at the Student Fee object. This button will initiate the screen flow to generate the refund fee line. To set this up, you can follow t
AccountsReceivable_Package Components for Accounts Receivable Display in RIO Ready are as follows: Name Type Description Contact.redu_Accounts_Receivable_Amount__c CustomField Tracks the accounts receivable amount that will be synced with the external system (such as Xero or other accounting system). Contact.redu_Accounts_Receivable_Last_Updated__c
This functionality contains components to assist in generating Form 1098-T for the US IRS. For more information on Form 1098-T, please see the IRS link here . Note on Form 1098-T The 1098-T document is required to be submitted every year for taxation purposes in the US, and is subject to changes by the IRS annually. The IRS requires a 1098-T to be g
Registering a new Google reCaptcha Site If you do not have an existing Google reCaptcha account, you can register a new one with this link . Alternatively, you can go to and click on the Admin Console on the top menu. Please note that you need a Google account to register for Google reCaptcha. This reCaptcha
StudentID_Package Components for the Student ID generation functionality . Name Type Description redu_CON_StudentID_TDTM ApexClass TDTM trigger that will assign the Student ID value to the Contact record. redu_CON_StudentID_TEST ApexClass Test class for redu_CON_StudentID_TDTM. redu_Student_Number__c.redu_Salesforce_Record_Id__c CustomField Custom f
Salesforce Spring '23 Release Action Items for RIO Education Salesforce Spring '23 Release is coming in late January 2023 - February 2023, and brings with it a slew of changes and feature activation. The most prominent feature of Spring '23 Release that can have an effect would be the Enhanced Domain. See:
To implement Payments2Us in RIO Education, we have 2 parts that needs to be done: A. Prepayment page and components. (This will be the bridge that allow us to access the Payments2Us payment page in the Community.) B. Payments2Us itself. (The actual app that will be doing the payment processing.) Steps for implementing Prepayment components 1. Go to
Prerequisites Google reCAPTCHA set for the Domain used by the Self Registration community page. Client Key and Secret Key for the reCAPTCHA. RIO Ready - Login and Register (Pre-Deploy) and RIO Ready - Login and Register packages are installed (see here ). Note : If you do not have a Google reCaptcha setup yet, please follow the instruction here to