Cannot Enroll to Courses Past Census Date without Student Fee
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I receive a fee locked related error when enrolling a student into a Course.
There is no Student Fee record yet, and the census date has passed.
Manually create a "Manual Unlock" Student Fee under the specific Program Enrollment.
Ensure the following fields are populated:
- Program Enrollment = {Ensure this is point to the correct Program Enrollment}
- PE Pathway = {Ensure this is pointing to the correct PE Pathway that sits within the Program Enrollment defined above}
- Type = Tuition
- Student Fee Label = {This is free text field. Recommended value would be the Term's name (at the very least)}
- Due Date = {reference the Term's Fee Due Date}
- Main Term Student Fee = TRUE
- Manual Unlock = TRUE
Consider checking the "Manual Unlock" field to "FALSE" after completing the course enrollment process.