Sharing data with us via Hightail
Learn how to securely and safely share sensitive data with us using Hightail.
Hightail link
Have a file with sensitive data that you need to share with us?
We encourage a standard practice of using Hightail to share data. Here is a secure link to upload your data to the RIO Education team:
Best practices
It is important to avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which is any data that can be used to clearly identify an individual, e.g. Social security number, email, data of birth, mailing address, phone, etc. For a list of examples, see here.
Sample of PII data (avoid)
First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, Mobile
Fred, Smith, 1/1/2000, 415 122 9100,
Sample of non-PII data (recommended)
Id, Course Connection Id, Status, External Id
1234, 005000000xlwS, Open, 4321
As a best practice to protect your data, we will take the following steps, if we received PII data from your email:
- Inform you that we will delete the email thread, since it has PII data in it.
- Make sure other recipients in the RIO team are aware of that and delete the email.
- Encourage all parties to use our Hightail upload link (see above).
We will also ensure not to keep your data on our devices, but re-upload it back to Hightail instead, if we need to share it back with you.