CPD Course Requirements
Are you providing Continuing Professional Development courses? We've got you covered.
This document outlines all the modules required for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course providers. Use this document to scope out how big their implementation is.
Membership Subscription Management
It can be further broken down into:
Membership Application
- How complex is the enrollment process? Is it a single step or multiple steps?
- Do you intend to allow applicants to file in the application online?
- How much information do you plan to collect from an Applicant?
Membership Fee
- Do they pay online or offline?
- Do you have the same application fee or it may vary depending on applicants?
- What accounting system are we going to integrate to?
Membership Renewal
- Is this an automatic or manual process?
- Do you go through an evaluation process before members renew? If yes, what are the evaluation criteria?
- Do they have to pay a fee for renewal?
CPD Course Management
- Is it an online course or offline course?
- Do you use any CPD points or hours in a course? These points or hours are awarded to the members once they complete the course.
- How do you evaluate the result? Do they need the attendee to do any test? Or do they just need to attend the course to consider it as completed?
Course Scheduling
- Is the course one-off or recurring weekly/monthly?
- Do you need to schedule a room or equipment for the course?
- Do you need to assign teacher/s to the course?
- Does your course generate any certificates? E.g. Certificate of Completion.
Teacher/Trainer Management
- Are your teachers part time or full time? If part time, do we need to keep track of their availability?
- Do you get other members to teach these courses? If so, do they earn any CPD points/hours from teaching?
- Do you have a teacher matrix? For example, John is qualified to teach CPD course A, but not CPD course B.
- Do you pay your teacher by hours? If so, do they need to submit their timesheet?
- Do you need your teacher to take attendance? Or is this done automatically via online sessions?
Student Management
- What information are you tracking for your member?
- Do you track their employment history?
- Do you track their qualifications?
Student Portal Access
- Can your student sign up for courses online?
- Can the student download their results?
- Can your student raise a support case to you via this portal?
- Can your student communicate with other students?
Employer Relationship
- Do you handle B2B billing? For example, employees attend the CPD course and it is paid by their employer.
- Do you maintain direct communication with the members’ employer?
- Does the employer need to review the result (or attendance) of their employee?
- Does the employer allow the employee to register to a course using a corporate voucher code?
External CPD Course Management
- Can your members earn CPD points/hours from courses hosted by other providers?
- Do you allow your members to enter the CPD record themselves?
- Do you have to audit them?
CPD Points Audit
- Do you have a point/hour quota for each member to achieve? For example, each member must collect 100 CPD hours every 3 years in order to keep their membership.
- Do you randomly audit their other CPD entries (from other providers)?
Work Experience Tracking
- Is work experience one of the factors to keep their membership alive?
- Do you keep track of all their past/current work experience?
Invoice Integration
- Which accounting system are you integrating to?
- Do you need to generate an invoice?
- Do you generate an invoice to a member or their employer? Or can it be both?
- Other than invoice, what other finance document do you need to generate?
Web Session Integration
- Do you need to synchronise the online registration and provide them a link to join the meeting?
- Do you need to synchronise their attendance automatically from the web session?
Payment Automation/Integration
- Do you handle online payment?
- If so, what payment gateway are you using?