RIO Challenge C03.2 - Pre-Requisite vs Pre-Requisite (Enrolled or Completed) Ensuring enrollment requirements are entered correctly is an important aspect of program setup. There are many different rules and requirements logic that can be applied within RIO Education. The main focus of this challenge is to teach the challenger the difference between
RIO Challenge C02.2 - Cohort Enrollment Enrollment open and close dates allow administration to define a timeframe for students to enroll themselves in Courses. Students can enroll in Courses from the enrollment opening date until the nominated enrollment closing date. Cohort enrollment allows administration to open Course enrollment for specific co
RIO Challenge C03.4 - Shared Group It is common for some universities to have a common pool of elective courses that are available for students across different programs. This pool may consist of courses that are relevant to multiple programs, or may simply be courses that are popular among students. Different programs such as Bachelor of Business
RIO Challenge C05.1 - Application Checklist It is commonly required for applicants to submit some supporting documents during their Program application process. Some applicants might also have different requirements to fulfil. For example, postgraduate students might need to upload extra documents such as their research proposal. The application che
RIO Challenge C03.3 - Credit Point Requirements Much like 'Pre-Requisite Requirements' we covered in RIO Challenges C03.1 and C03.2, Plan Requirements may also contain 'Credit Point Requirements'. These are the credit point rules which must be met in order to proceed through a given Program Plan. Applying the rules and logic correctly will ensure a
RIO Challenge C03.1 - Requirement Logic (Complex Formula) Ensuring enrollment requirements are entered correctly is an important aspect of program setup. There are many different rules and requirements logic that can be applied within RIO Education. The main focus of this challenge is to teach the challenger how to set up different pre-requisite rul
RIO Challenge C07.1 - Retake a Failed Course If a student fails a Course, it can sometimes be a stressful experience. RIO Education gives students the ability to re-enroll in a failed Course in an upcoming Term as soon as their grades are released. When students continue on and pass the Course, by default only their best result will contribute to th
RIO Challenge C03.5 - Cloning Program Plan It's common for institutions to make changes to their existing Academic Programs. This may include adding or removing courses, changing the number of terms or editing the requirement logic as the structure of the program evolves. The most efficient way to do this is by cloning the existing Program Plan and
RIO Challenge C10 - Scheduler Data Preparation Class scheduling is the process of creating and managing the timetable for the students/ faculty. This involves organizing and scheduling classes in a way that ensures optimal use of resources such as facility and faculty availability. The main focus of this challenge is to provide guidance through the
RIO Challenge C17 - Student Progress Reviewing and monitoring Student Progress is an important part of a University Administrator's role. This may consist of reviewing grades, overall course progress, and progress towards majors and minors (known as disciplines). Students may be enrolled in several disciplines as part of their program of study. This
RIO Challenge C02.1 - Enrollment Open Date Enrollment open and close dates allow administration to define a timeframe for students to enroll themselves in Courses. Students can enroll in Courses from the enrollment opening date until the nominated enrollment closing date. Enrollment open and close dates can be set at the Term and Course Offering l